Nicholas: a social butterfly and expert networker in and out of the office

Nicholas has an impressive education background with an MSc in International Business from Warwick Business School and a BSc in Accounting and Finance from the University of Exeter. Captivated by the firm's reputation, he decided to start off his professional journey with Forvis Mazars. As someone who thrives on social connections, Nicholas navigated a seamless transition from audit to business development and found the perfect outlet to unleash his potential.
Nicholas Wong

Nicholas Wong
Business Development Manager
Forvis Mazars in Singapore

Can you tell us about yourself and why you decided to join Mazars?

I remember visiting the Forvis Mazars booth at a career fair that I attended during university – the representatives were particularly cheerful and stood out among the other firms. Furthermore, my seniors who joined Forvis Mazars spoke highly of its strong reputation for being a dynamic and enjoyable workplace, as well as for its quality and expertise. These were the key factors that ultimately led me to choose Forvis Mazars as my employer.

What made you make the leap from audit to business development? Tell us more.

I took the leap into business development because I was in a phase of my life where I wanted a role that was both dynamic and challenging. Having spent several years studying and working abroad, I have refined my expertise in cultivating relationships, spotting opportunities and closing deals in pursuit of leveraging my honed abilities.

Thus, I concluded that the business development role would provide me with the chance to engage with a wide variety of clients, industries and markets, which in turn would enable me to broaden my professional network. This role offers more than just networking opportunities. As someone who enjoys working with numbers, this position allows me to use my creative and networking skills while also utilising my quantitative abilities.

We’ve heard you are quite the social butterfly both in and out of the office, can you share more?

Attending industry events and conferences provides me with an opportunity to network with new people and gain insights on emerging trends and developments. It helps me to better understand the economic landscape. Sometimes I learn unexpected things, such as key points about real estate or properties that could be beneficial to me personally in the future.

During my free time, I regularly participate in football sessions or 'after works' with peers who are business owners and executives from various industries. Being one of the younger members of the group, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot from their experiences and insights. Additionally, I also take the opportunity to promote Forvis Mazars and raise our firm’s profile among my network.

How has your relationship with your colleagues impacted your work?

Working with my colleagues has been a rewarding and fulfilling journey. Their support and collaboration have kept me motivated and productive, while also making it easy to share ideas and ask for help when needed. Thanks to our positive working relationships, we have built a strong sense of teamwork and shared purpose, which has been essential to achieving our shared goals together.

What do you like the most about leading the business and development team?

One of the things I love most about leading the business development team is the opportunity to work with such a talented and diverse group of individuals. Being able to thrive and grow together personally and professionally is incredibly rewarding. Plus, being able to collaborate with so many different departments within the company to achieve our shared goals is always exciting. I also enjoy the challenge of identifying new opportunities and strategies for growth and seeing them come to fruition through the hard work and dedication of the team. Overall, leading the team has been a fulfilling and enriching experience for me.

What are your best networking tips?

Business development and networking require time, effort and a genuine interest in building mutually beneficial relationships. Consistency, authenticity and a focus on providing value will ultimately contribute to your success.

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