Building a sustainable and modern fellowship of leaders through peer-coaching

Delivered through our University, LEAD is a flagship programme and development centre aimed at nurturing future leadership capabilities within our firm. Selected participants are accompanied throughout to build their personal development plan and roadmap to Partner. Learn about our latest edition and hear from the cohort below.


The programme’s main objective is not to assess participants’ suitability for a role, but to provide a learning experience based on forward-looking feedback, that will encourage people to play to their strengths and allow them to develop their coaching skills as leaders.

Our ambition is to unearth leadership potential and to build a modern and sustainable fellowship of future leaders. Hence, peer-coaching offers a crucible for learning within which participants can step back, engage in dialogues, learn from each other and contribute to others’ success by supporting each other’s development goals.

This year's edition brought together a growing and diverse cohort of 82 participants from 32 different countries


Zoom on the 2022 edition of LEAD

Targeted at future international partners and designed in a hybrid format, this 7-month programme offered both on-site and online training – the 2022 edition began with a three-day kick-off seminar held in Milan, Italy, last June. More concretely, LEAD is a structured blend of:

  1. A peer-coaching experience: supported by 360-feedback and debriefed personality tests aimed at enhancing individuals’ self-awareness, the programme is made up of 6 sessions that are supervised by trained leaders who foster regional synergies, and
  2. Leadership development training addressing the attributes of modern leaders, including shared leadership, leading with agility, coaching skills and storytelling.

To conclude this initiative, LEAD participants produce a personal development plan that allows self-reflection and eventually feedforward learning actions.


Let’s hear from participants       


Max Moujalli, Partner Business Advisory, Tax & Outsourcing, Australia

“Thank you for putting together an amazing programme, the content was impeccable, the people genuine and the venue was consuming. Partaking on this journey with other future leaders has made the experience all the more valuable and I have left the programme encouraged about the future of our firm. The people I believe that most connected throughout the event walked away knowing more than what service line and country someone came from.”



Pauline Davison, Director Outsourcing, UK

“Enjoyable, I felt privileged to be there and really felt part of something that fits with my own values.”



Henry d'Auzay, Partner , France

“I did not think this could be a turning point in my way of thinking. There will be a before and an after for me personally: Focus on others more than on yourself. Actions we take now will be more important than words, so thank you for the lessons in Milan.”



Florie Bourrel-Heleine, Partner Insurance Audit & Advisory, USA

“I was not expecting such a dense and rich curriculum; loved the interactive sessions and felt like we did a lot in a very limited amount of time.”



Stijn Sablon, Director Tax, The Netherlands

“Very interesting sessions where you learnt more about yourself and discovered how coaching can help solve problems.”
