Sim Yee: finding career balance through gardening

With a rich career spanning over twelve years at Forvis Mazars, Sim Yee Yap has discovered gardening as a fun outlet to help her unwind at the end of the day. This connection with nature allows her to clear her mind and focus on what’s important.

Sim Yee Yap
Head of Outsourcing Operations 
Forvis Mazars in Malaysia

You've been at Forvis Mazars for twelve years now. What has motivated you to stay in the firm for such a long time?

I have stayed with Forvis Mazars for twelve years because of the firm's commitment to work-life balance and the support they have provided me to achieve it. Our culture encourages growth and development both professionally and personally.

Furthermore, the opportunities for career advancement, the strong team dynamics and the diverse range of engagements that I have been involved in have all contributed to my motivation to stay with the firm. Forvis Mazars has continually demonstrated a genuine interest in the wellbeing of its employees, which has made it an ideal place for me to thrive and grow in my career.

Another significant factor that has motivated me to stay at Forvis Mazars is the strong focus put on continuous learning and development. Throughout my career, I’ve been given numerous opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge, which has allowed me to stay engaged and challenged in my work. The focus on personal and professional development, combined with the supportive work environment and commitment to work-life balance has made my experience at Mazars truly rewarding and fulfilling.

What are your go-to activities at the end of the work day?

At the end of the workday, I usually like to unwind by catching up on my favourite drama series or doing a quick workout at home. These activities help me relax and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Watching drama series lets me escape into a different world for a while, giving me a mental break from the day's challenges and helping me recharge for the next day. A quick workout session at home not only keeps me physically fit, but also helps me let go of any built-up tension.

I also enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends, especially enjoying a good dinner together. A nice meal is a great way to relax and catch up with loved ones. Another important activity for me is gardening, which helps keep me balanced.

How does gardening impact your work?

Gardening has an encouraging effect on my work. It allows me to connect with nature and practice mindfulness. This outdoor activity gives me a chance to clear my mind and focus on what’s important. It helps me maintain a positive mindset, which is essential to my productivity and keeps me focused in my professional life. Through gardening, I’ve learnt the importance of patience, persistence and adaptability, which are valuable skills that I can apply in my professional life.

Gardening has also allowed me to develop a strong sense of responsibility and dedication, as I need to consistently tend to my plants and ensure their wellbeing. This sense of responsibility carries over to my work, where I am committed to delivering high-quality results and meeting the expectations of my clients and colleagues. Overall, my gardening hobby has helped me lead a well-rounded and balanced life.

Is it challenging to balance your personal hobbies and activities with your career?

Balancing personal hobbies and activities with my career can be challenging at times. However, setting priorities and creating a schedule helps me manage my time efficiently. I’ll make sure to allocate time for my hobbies and personal interests, as well as for work and family commitments. This allows me to maintain a healthy work-life balance and ensure that I have time to recharge and enjoy my personal pursuits. By establishing a routine and sticking to it, I can ensure that I give equal attention to both my personal and professional lives without neglecting either one.

What advice would you give to someone struggling to balance their personal interests with their work?

My advice for someone struggling to balance personal interests with their work would be to first recognise the value of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It is crucial for your overall wellbeing and productivity. Next, you must prioritise your tasks and schedule time for both personal and professional activities. Establishing a routine and sticking to it enables you give equal attention to both aspects of your life without feeling overwhelmed. Don't be afraid to communicate your needs as Forvis Mazars is highly supportive of employees pursuing personal interests and maintaining a healthy balanced life.

Another piece of advice is that you should regularly assess and reevaluate your priorities to ensure that you allocate time for the activities and hobbies that can help you to relax and bring you joy. It is essential to take time for yourself and engage in activities that help you recharge and maintain a positive mindset. Remember that achieving a balanced life is an ongoing process. Life is always changing, and you may need to adjust your lifestyle as it evolves. By staying proactive and committed to maintaining a healthy balance in life, you will ultimately contribute to your success in every aspect of your life.

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